Local Emergency Planning Committee
The Blair County Local Emergency Planning Committee is responsible for the emergency planning of facilities within the county which use, store or manufacture hazardous materials and are regulated under the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA). This group of community leaders conduct a business meeting on the first Thursday of every even month at the Trolley Works conference room at 3316 Fifth Ave., Altoona, PA beginning at 8:00am *(meeting location is subject to change). We welcome community input during our meetings and encourage you or your organization to be represented on our committee. Contact (814) 940-5901 for questions or more information.
L.E.P.C 2025 Meeting Dates
February 6 (Cancelled Due to Weather)
March 6 (Rescheduled February Meeting)
April 3
June 5
August 7
October 2
December 4
For Meeting Agendas Click Here
L.E.P.C. Leadership
L.E.P.C. Chairperson - Becky Long
Vice Chairperson - Tim Hileman
Secretary - Vacant
L.E.P.C. Members
Paul Robinson, Alpha Assembly
Adam Free, City of Altoona Fire Department
Mike Hawksworth, City of Altoona Fire Department
Arlene Kuntz, City of Altoona Fire Department
Bob Gutshall, Altoona Planning Committee
Don Gallice, AMTRAN
Kevin Lear, Blair County ARES/RACES
Tom Cooney, Jr., Blair County ARES/RACES
Mark Taylor, Blair County 911/EMA
Cris Fredrickson, Blair County EMA
Jeff Farber, Blair County EMA
Hannah Mitchell, Blair County EMA
Dave Kessling, Blair County Commissioner
Tricia Johnson, Blair County Dept of Social Services
Dave McFarland, Blair County Planning
James Ott, Blair County Sheriff
Randy Santone, Bucks County Community College
Ken Doyle, Garvey Manor
Karen Hamel, Halen Hardy
John Rea, Innovative Technologies, Inc.
Timothy Rea, Innovative Technologies, Inc.
Matt Lightner, Lightner Electronics
Mandy Michelone, Mountain Research, LLC
Paul Kagarise, Nason Hospital
Ron Grata, Nason Hospital
Greg Calhoun, Norfolk Southern
Mike Wall, PEMA Auxiliary Communications
Dave Gonos, Sheetz, Inc.
Kim Corle, UPMC Altoona
Becky Long, VanZandt VA Hospital
Tim Hileman, VanZandt VA Hospital
Kerin Stefanko, VanZandt VA Hospital
Jennifer Fordick, W.R. Grace
Ben Grazier, W.R. Grace
Buss Wilson, W.R. Grace
Jody Gill, WTAJ-TV
615 4th St.
Altoona, PA 16602
Phone: 814-940-5900
Fax: 814-940-5907
Emergency: Dial 911
Non-Emergency: 814-940-5910
After-Hours: 814-940-5910